
  • Reduce Risk of Infection & Discomfort

    Remodelling and construction work can release fungal spores, particularly in older buildings. From Aspergillus, a mold commonly found indoors, is particularly dangerous if inhaled by individuals with weak immune systems or damaged lungs. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) due to this dangerous mold occurs often as a result of hospital construction, maintenance, and renovation.


    • Aspergillus spores can be released from ceilings, walls, and floors
    • VOCs including smoke and mold can permeate into occupied areas
    • Air filters may be clogged
    • Carpet can be contaminated
    • Strong odours from painting, flooring, and cleaning can permeate into occupied areas

    • Adsorbs and neutralizes strong odour
    • Allows areas post-renovation or construction to be occupied more quickly
    • Kills and traps aspergillus spores and dust
    • Reduces VOCs at the source of contamination
    • Mitigates fungal contamination, in addition to bacteria and viruses